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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Seeing so many of my frens' blogs posting yummy pics of their homemade food, I must also post some to flaunt my "achievements". I made cookies today! Wahaha...well it's my first time making them. Can't say it's a complete success cuz they look none too round. Hee..my fault la, cuz I'm too lazy to bake them in different batches so despite the instruction to separate the cookies at least 2 inches apart, I conveniently ignored it cuz I die die want to squeeze the cookies into a single batch. In the end, all the cookies lumped together into a big rectangular cookie on the cookie sheet. Aiyah...din know they will expand so much during heating. According to the instruction, I have to place into the oven for 13 min, but when I took them out, too soft liao leh! So I ignored the instructions for the second time and placed them into the oven for another 10 min. Haha, in the end the base of the cookies a bit chao tar and taste a bit bitter... Aiyah I also dunno that cookies will harden on cooling de mah...In the end now very hard and crispy but taste a bit chao tar..hee..Yuan lai 13 min is sufficient de, cuz the cookies will become harder when they cool...haiz...actually quite common sense lar, but din think of that... Anyway I'm so proud of myself for being able to produce edible cookies..haha!

All the cookies got stuck together liao...

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