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Saturday, November 22, 2008

** Decide to change my blog skin again cuz have some problems formatting my photos and I was rather pissed off with it...

Wanted to do something outdoorsy today due to sunny weather, so we happened to chance upon this Washington Monument State Park after we made a disappointing trip to the Ohio and Canal Historical Park (it was closed today). Well...nothing fanciful, just a jumbo size furnace to commemorate Washington...it was really cold today, hovering below and at freezing point... Don't understand y it's so cold during fall.. it even snowed yesterday while I was cooking maggie mee, and IT'S ONLY AUTUMN!!! Heard from Cha's classmates that this winter is going to be a very harsh one with heavy snowfall... even now I cannot tahan liao, and wrapped until l look like a long dumpling liao, so wad will happen to me in winter??? haiz...

Anyway Cha and I bought a mini Xmas tree and bought lots of decor for the tree..hehe..now my house got Xmas feel liao...looking forward to Xmas this yr, planning to grill turkey for xmas meal leh =D

Meanwhile, have to piah 2 papers this week before my semester comes to an end..so fast...but a bit stress cuz my paper not even half done yet...need to jia you liao..

Washington Monument State Park (Check out my new boots!! hehe..)

The Monument itself- Nothing much actually leh..

So damn cold..brrhhh~

Our faces were turning numb, Chaaa also cannot take it liao...

"M" on my cap stands for Maryland..hehe..

That's the gloves and scarf Pinkies gave me!!

Eh...we accidentally made the wrong turn and came to this place (still muz take pic...)

My new haircut (uploaded on request)..look how blunt the base of my hair is.. some layers don't flow with the rest of my hair..haiz.. dunno if appreciation of beauty is different here...

My First Xmas Tree (Cha and I did this tree together, we are so proud of it =D)

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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