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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Did a second ultrasound scan yesterday at the Washington Radiology Clinic. Woosh..the good news, lumps are either stable or growing smaller, and some cysts even disappear! So relieved... I so scared if worsen need to do biopsy which involves a thick needle inserting into the affected area to obain cells for lab testings..painful lor! And no hundred percent accuracy, end up getting poked a few times *faint*! Need to do a third follow-up in six months time..maybe somewhere in May ba.. if everything stable and not growing bigger, I no need do anymore ultrasound le, just self examine will be sufficient...yaayy! So damn scared when I was lying on the bed yesterday while waiting for the doc to comment on my condition, made my tummy hurt and feel like going diarrhoea, but was wearing the medical gown and dunno where the toilet was, so had to bear with it throughout the entire scanning process..then made me wait alone in the changing room for 45 min before my turn, so damn cold in that scanty gown lor! But get to read a lot of magazines to update myself on gossip la..hehe

Very relieved of the results. But hope that the next consultation will yield the same diagnosis, cuz if any grows bigger, likely have to do biopsy which I'm so scared of... Realize diet control does help, eat organic chicken meat, no soybean and drink my mum's herbal tea all play a part I guess.. Most impt, I'm less stressed over here as I'm starting to adapt to my new life, and get to exercise in the gym occasionally..I guess this routine hav to be maintained for the rest of my life... I realize the importance of health over these few mths... I used to take it for granted that I'm young and hav a long healthy way to go...but not necessary...Without a healthy body, everything else is meaningless, no matter how much money one has..also cannot make up for the opportunties lost with an ailing health.

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