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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dunno y Cha was so excited abt the ESPN Zone cafe...
Waiting for dolphins to come out...
Wearing the 4-D specs in queue for the 4D show...
Stamps for re-entry..but we din go in again lar...
Nite sceneries: similar to clarke quay

Pork pulls with two types of fries...

Cha not full with his small servings of food...

Another set of pics from my Sat spent at the National Aquarium, Baltimore today. The aquarium was huge, five storeys high, but cost us $28 for each person. The tix also entitled us entry to a dolphin show and the 4D Immersion theatre lar. But hor not that worth it, cuz the dolphin show not spectacular at all, lose out to spore zoo's one leh...the dolphins only somersalted a few times and clapped their hands, so I was rather shocked when the show ended and I was still anticipating a climax performance from the dolphins lor..waste of money... But hor, a nice change from the previous Sats of "window" shopping lar... dun really like shopping here cuz I realize all the malls have similar shops so even if we go to different malls every week, basically we are seeing the same things, very sian one...Dinner was at J Paul near the aquarium, was really full with the pork pulls and fries, and their cocktail was huge and cheap (ard $7.50 for a huge glass)!

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11:46 PM



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