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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Was invited by Cha's classmate, Occa to a Thanksgiving lunch today. My first time celebrating Thanksgiving... I dun even know what is the festival abt, but it seems like a big hoo-ha in the States. Actually most of us at the lunch don't celebrate Thanksgiving cuz only one is American, the rest are from Australia and Denmark... But the whole intention was to get- together on a holiday for international students bah, since we all have no family here...Their house is HUGE lor! Three storey house for a family size of 4. Occa and his wife, Wendy are from Australia and also on scholarship to study here, but their govt so gd, sponsor this super big house with nice furniture, not like Singapore so kiam on us, we are only able to get a small apartment unfurnished lor... somemore we are thinking of downgrading our house to save on rent lor..haiz..but cannot complain la, better than none, anyway I think my current place is quite cozy also...=D

Today was the first time I saw the complete turkey bird, it was gigantic and delicious! Cha and I brought some Chinese food, char siew, sweet and sour pork, pork meat balls and green vege from the Chinese eatery, but seems like they were not popular, pretty much untouched, maybe becuz the char siew tasted like shit lor... I love Occa's kids, Alice and May, both look like barbie dolls, and their cheeks are so red and chubby. Had a really full lunch and dessert at their house, so later Cha and I skipping dinner le...

Helping to peel sweet potato skins~

Alice~ The cutie baby

Looks like a family portrait hor, hehe...the elder sis is May~

Yummy Turkey!

Chaaa's classmates and friends: Occa, Wendy, Jason, Hayley, Marc, Emily and Mio

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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