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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am watching korean drama "golden bride" now... now at episode 55, starting to feel the drag liao, the heartless dad still haven acknowledged his illegitimate daughter; 10 more episodes to go...kambatte!!!

As we move towards 2009, beyond the golden quarter century age of 25, I suddenly feel so old, and forced to be a real adult...I wonder what will happen to me in the next ten years... Will I have kids by then? and what will I be working as? What will be my new home be like, etc.. Will Chaa still be the same to me? hmm...life is unpredictable... the tragedy of the Singapore hostage in Mumbai bothered me for quite some time, cuz she was at the pinnacle of her life, with a successful career and a loving husband, with no idea that her ending will be like that...

Like Cha's mom had said, the world is becoming a scary place to be. Terrorists have no regard for human lives, violence is now the new trend to resolve problems in this world. Or if suay enough, one may die unknowingly under the gunshot of a depressed or sadist person who just want many people to perish with him by firing relentlessly in class or on the street. This is not uncommon in the States, where people are allowed to carry guns. Make us fearful whenever we are outside. Even when kana bullied also have to keep a low profile and bear with it, just in case the other party has a violent tendency...

Haizz... Guess I've turned into a coward as I'm growing older... -_-"

* Sidetrack a bit...as commented by my colleague on my fb, 漂亮的胖子 really looks like a terrorist leh! So scary~ muz make him wear a pink cap next time =D

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