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Saturday, February 28, 2009

27 Feb 09. So fast! It has been a year since I ROMed. I think celebrating the first two years of wedding anniversary in the States is very special to us. This year due to budget constraints, we only gave each other cards. But it's the tots that count, and I think spending money on other stuff like on photo shoot or trips might be more useful...for now:P I can still remember how anxious I felt before I marched in for my solemnization, with Pinkies and close family members with me. It was such a jovial affair and yet it only seemed like yesterday. I can also recall how I got myself bz with the makeup, hairdo and the pink dress, while Cha made sure everything went well during the ceremony. I still remember the buffet lunch! Very nice, hope we can return there for a buffet again if got chance.

We celebrated our first anniversary at the Melting Pot, located at North Virginia, Reston. It was a very ulu place and was seated at the industrial area, I even tot Cha got the wrong place leh!! Lucky we reached there just in time for the "false alarm" episode to end. Just earlier on, the fire alarm went off and all the diners had to evacuate the restaurant and stand in the shivering cold. Haha, lucky we missed all that!! The Melting Pot was a nice surprise. I had tot it was just some typical western restaurant where we will have steak and candle light stuff, but I was all wrong... It was a western steamboat style dinner! We ordered the set dinner and started with a pot of melted cheddar cheese with rolls, followed by their house salad. Maincourse consisted of mainly raw and marinated seafood, pork and chicken. Lobster was the grand highlight, it was HUGE and very very delicious! We had to use the skewers and cooked them in the pot with vegetable broth. Everything was so nice, with so many gravy and sauces available and is quite similar to the steamboat we had in Spore which I craved so much, except it's the angmor version lar.. But one thing was very bizzare, they never gave us any soup spoon lor! Apparently the ang mors here don't drink soup base from steamboats. Cha was so gian to drink the soup that he cleaned the sauce spoon and scooped one mouthful, of cuz cannot let anyone else see lar..hehe..
Preparing for our dinner=D

Lastly...it's my beloved chocolate fondue, wah seh! Delicious! The dippers consisted of strawberries, banana, pounder cakes, marshmellow and cheesecake!! Woohoo~~ So long never had fondue liao..This dinner was really satisfying, but it totally crushed my week-long salad-only diet.. but then again, it's worth it lor!!

Slurpz...We love the Melting Pot, will be back for its steamboat meals again, it's superb!

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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Video Clips of My Trip (1)
Winter Trip (3): Los Angeles, Zion and Bryce
Winter Trip (2): Canyonland, Las Vegas, Death Vall...
Winter Trip (1): Rocky Mountain and Arches
A Belated Xmas Surprise
A Hopeful 2009


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