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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vday was a simple affair as we do not have a habit of making it a very grand affair. Partly becuz our 1st wedding anniversary is drawing very near..hehe..so can save a bit if we combine the two occasions together to celebrate lar... But Chaa again gave me a surprise when he came home with a bouquet of flowers when I thought he went to the gym... Thanks again le wor...and again, I din get anything for him as using any money will be like using his own money -_-

Got my gown today, really like it a lot, very princess like, its has always been what I wanted for my wedding gown..hehe, I'm owning my gown! gosh...I tot that if we did that in Singapore it will be very expensive, but becuz we had a few wedding fair discounts, we managed to get the gown at 399! hee, very satisfied with it, not only can use it for photo shoot here, but can also bring it back to spore for the banquet, YAAY!! meanwhile hav to lose some weight, cuz my bustline is a little bit too tight~Next will have to look out for other accessories such as veil, jewellery and slip liao...
And hor the highlight of the week is that we finally got a TV!! YAAY!! Cha's classmate lend us for two years since he has an extra one, thank goodness, now at least we not so mountain tortuise and are able to know wat's happening ard us liao=D

Flowers that Cha bought~

My dream gown=D

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Gown Fitting and Bday Party
Updates for 30th & 31th Jan
A Very Quiet Chinese New Year
Video Clips of My Trip (1)
Winter Trip (3): Los Angeles, Zion and Bryce
Winter Trip (2): Canyonland, Las Vegas, Death Vall...
Winter Trip (1): Rocky Mountain and Arches
A Belated Xmas Surprise
A Hopeful 2009
Xmas Celebration~


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