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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wheeeeeeee!!! Just came back from New York from a 3-day stay in the super- metropolitan city. As we only slept for 2 hours the night before we left for the trip, I was really really exhausted and a bit shagged out the whole trip, but it was fun!

We reached New York in good time, parked at the Travel Inn and quickly rushed out into the street to begin our trip itinery.. Cha was VERY appalled at the road toll he had to pay..26 bucks one way...haha..we started out with The Grand Central Terminal, a colonial style subway station. The fresh market inside the station was very nice..but the food looked so pricey lor.. Then we moved on to see some other great buildings, but I can't really differentiate among them already... I remember going into the Chrysler Building (I think they are going bankrupt soon..) and caught a brief glimpse of the Flatiron Building (suppose to be the most famous early sky scraper, a very flat and thin building; I think it's quite odd shaped) and the courthouse, the world's busiest courtroom, as described by DK..but I also dunno what's so proud abt this...Are they very happy being hailed the top for crime rate?? haha.. We also stopped by the Union Square to have a look at the farmer's market..but nothing much sold there leh...

After this we went Times Square to walk walk..Passed by the M&M's world, so we went inside to have a look..the merchandise were so cuteeeeee!!! Although I am not a big fan of M&M, but we couldn't help it but bought some souvenir M&M figurines, which cost us 22 bucks!! hehe think Cha's heart was bleeding by that time liao...

Our last stop was at the Rockefeller Centre to go up to the Top of the Rock observation deck to see the night skyline of New York...Hee again we had to pay 20 bucks for each Tix, and Cha's heart bled further when he learnt of the $2 off per tix after we bought them...haiz..bad luck.. but the skyline was beautiful, and I guess it's worth it seeing Cha's satisfied face with taking many nice pics of the night view... Also passed by the Rockefeller Ice Skating Ring, although it was closed by that time...I heard that the Rockefeller Christmas tree was very nice and again famous for its grandeur decoration, so really hope we hav a chance to see this next time...

Although we missed a few planned destinations, but we were so so so tired that we went back to hotel straight and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow...hee~
First stop of the day - Grand Central Terminal

Times Square - Look like Las Vegas leh

Dunno y my face cramp until like that, hee

Union Square

Posing with M&M softies!!

The yellow candy looks spastic hor...

Entrance to the pricey observation deck~

Beautiful night view of NY

The bling bling city

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11:45 PM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


A Date with Liberty - Day 2
A Date with Liberty - Day 3
Snow Storm
First Wedding Anniversary
Valentine's Day
Gown Fitting and Bday Party
Updates for 30th & 31th Jan
A Very Quiet Chinese New Year
Video Clips of My Trip (1)
Winter Trip (3): Los Angeles, Zion and Bryce


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