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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sch is startin and heng I've got all the modules I wanted...Fri is my free day!! yeah!! Kinda sad that I'm leaving my intern place, got sentimental feelin attached to my colleagues, the interviews and my desk..haha..it has always been one of my childhood dreams that I hav my own desk at work so that I can decorate my desk and Im juz startin to get cozy w my desk leh~ hehee

Today when I was reading in the office, I suddenly received Huixia's sms that someone was using my msn to impersonate me !! I was so shocked that I told xia to stall him while I made my way across the block to catch him. Was quite angry de, when I reached the learnin centre, it was easy to spot who was the culprit lo, only two terminals with internet access, and one of my intern fren was using the other one.. I paced behind that guy and saw he had anya's msn window on the task bar, wa kaoz... he still din notice I was standing behind him lo. I demanded him to log out of MY msn and he said OK~ kaoz ! dunno paiseh at all one leh...still wan to go online flirt w girls, using my account somemore...heng the gal he approached is fr pink army...still pretend to be me!! hummphh!!! When he left I kept staring at him, then he quickly turned his head away..haha..too late le lo, I remember his face liao, hide also no use la! At first I thought my msn is auto sign in, but the last time I used was yesterday and I am sure I did log off. I also remembered that I never turn on the auto sign in option lo. Later I found out that this guy was actually from the technology department fr the HQ...Hard to believe, but it is possible that he tracked my password!!!! how could he do something so despicable la, somemore fr the technology dept at HQ, unbelievable! hah, I'm still considering if I should lodge a complaint..hmm, see first la!

Today I had four rounds of buffet helping, sure put on weight one leh, but the food catered for the directorate was much better than those for the general staff leh, so I helped myself to the third and fourth rounds on the leftovers by the directors...haha cannot help it la... tomolo Dom will give me a nasi lemak treat, Fri having a luncheon with the recruitment management, wow..I guess I will be having a great time (eating) this week!!!wahahah, will put on weight again le~

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