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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My first entry in 2007! I remember the last time I wrote was one and a half years ago, when I was still studying.. Time flies and I'm officially a working adult liao. How I wish, almost everyday that I could return to student life again. Almost every morning I will clutch Cha cha's arms and refused to go to work.. I know I shouldn't be lidat la, everyone has to work and I'm not born with a silver spoon or a golden spoon for that matter.

I guess my work is ok. My boss treats me well, a very nice lady with no boss airs at all.. but working relationships here are not that straightforward. For one thing, I really hate the biasness towards scholars here. People alwasy say it's a scholastic world, but it's really a world of difference in remuneration and career prospects lo. These scholars are groomed to be senior management while we normal graduates are destined to be their foremen.. They earned almost 3 times more than us, even thou i cannot see what's so capable abt them la...they only know how to study and study and study and score straight As ma, Big deal!

My work range from managing assets to knowledge management to webmaster to secretary to event coordinator to audit, even down to arranging promotion lunches and dinners for senior management here. I also sympathesize myself...a psychologically trained graduate has to do so many unrelated, boliao sai kang shit jobs... As if Im the one who got promoted lidat. Still hav to submit menu and venue proposals to the relevant authority to APPROVE the menu, sometimes damn angry..this sort of private functions they should ask their maids or PAs, and not me to do it... It's the public's money they are wasting lo...

My big boss also problematic la... Extremely rigid and sometimes unbearably demanding..He treats his subordinates as if he revolves ard our worlds lidat...no respect for us, and ME in particular. Everytime I arrange to meet w him, he either very late or he cancel at short notice. Macham my work very unimpt lidat, sometimes dun even bother to go thru my work properly.. Sometimes the PAs also arrogant, sometimes dun giv me the slot I want and say my things less impt compared to others...so arrogant for wat huh, stupid PAs...sometimes I feel like shouting to them" U r just a *** PA!"

Work at times is unbearable, and often hav the urge to throw the letter on the desk and just clear my leaves. I think wat makes me hestitate wld be my small boss le... It would not be right to throw back all the work to her if I tender. And I guess I really need the work experience, thou i dunno will be useful or not.. But sometimes I feel redundant in my section la.. my buddy is my big boss's pet, not to mention he's a capable scholar as well. My neighbor is also an experienced worker. He copes quite well even thou he only joined recently, and he was loaded with quite a number of big projects pretty soon. Im really not cut out to be a servant. What to do...I have no work experience with no relevant qualifications, just bear with it lo!

Meanwhile, there are a couple of impt events I can look forward to these coming months. My birthday is only 2 weeks away. Have been bugging Cha what he has bought for me, but he is really tight lipped abt it.. Ok, here are the hints he gav me after my relentless pleas..1. It's colorful; 2. it can be used, depending on how I look at it; 3. It's not easily found; 4. Cha bought it near Outram; 5. I have mentioned or seen it long time ago. WHAT IS IT??? Have cracked my head these few weeks but nothing came out of it leh.. Cha even hid it in his office, HUMPH.. Very mao dun hor... I yearn a surprise from Cha and yet I want to know wat he has planned exactly for me that day.Guess that is the complicated nature of a woman..

Next I'm looking forward to second anniversary in Oct lo...still dunno wat to buy leh.. Cha mentioned that he needed an Oakley shades, which I think it's better to ignore la...haaaha..Next will be Xmas lo..but still need to get the family trip sorted out... Frustrating leh...y can't the two of us just do whatever we like without having to worry abt others... Family expectations are always a big obstacle which I hope can be overcome soon..

Really hope that everything goes well these few months, esp for Chaaa. Really looking forward to the end of the year.

Lucky tomolo is National Day, means rest day tomolo... Not that Im patriotic abt this day, and Im defintely not going to wear red tomolo lo...Will get more sleep tomolo... Today very eng at work, so can write such a long essay.. counting down to 6 o'clock liao...

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
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One more to go~
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