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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yesterday Chaa brought me to Purvis Street to dine at Miss Clarity. It was a pinky shop with a very cozy setting. Food is cheap and good and according to Chaa's friend, they like to arrange the food in a fine-dine setting at an affordable price. We ordered set meals and added nuggets as a side dish which costs us only $33. It's really quite nice...got chance will bring pinkies over there..

After that, we travelled down to Taka to take pictures. The Xmas tree was really huge and beautiful.. A bit dazzled by the lights thou, made my head dizzy when I faced the tree. Unbelieveably, we took more than 100 pictures just with that tree alone. But I looked a bit oily after working for a whole day liao. The tree in front of the Cathay Cineplex is also very nice, it's PINK and fluffy-like. I think Pinkies will like it very much. Cha will probably bring me there today to take pic again...

Xmas Eve this year will be different de... For the past 10 years I have been celebrating Xmas with Pinkies but this year I'll be travelling to Taiwan with my family le. Going to miss all the fun photo-taking and the "SHE "poses :(
Actually I'm quite looking forward to the trip de..dunno how's the xmas over at Taiwan. But because this time we signed up with a tour grp, I'm afraid that most of the time will be spent on sightseeing. I really want to go shopping leh. Dunno how much time the tour grp will allocate for shopping, but from the itinery, I think only got half a day for shopping. Sian diao..I've so much things I want to buy...shoes, chothes, gifts, foodies...

Chaa coming over soon le. We're going to celebrate Xmas today becuz I'll be flying on Thur liao. Chaa will be bringing me to an Italian restaurant this evening, heard from him the ambience is very nice. But a bit disappointed when Cha told me there will be no surprise gift for Xmas this yr becuz he had no time to prepare for me. Well. its kinda true, we meet each other everyday for lunch so he where got time to prepare a surprise gift for me leh...I remember last yr he made 1000 paper cranes for me and I was so happy. This year he bought a dress for me instead. It's quite nice and fits me well..Going to wear it when we celebrate New Yr Eve together.

Last week I had bought 2 Le Sportsac bags as Xmas gifts for both my sis and they cost me almost 300 bucks. But both don't like the bags and said they look like recycled bags. Made me sad as I've spent much time choosing the bags. In the end, my bigger sis went to exchange for Taka vouchers. I dunno abt the smaller one but I know she got half the mind to take a refund too. So unappreciative. They ignored my good intentions and even chose to return the bag. I'd think twice abt getting them presents again. Might as well take the easy way out: Just get them a $50 voucher each. Cheap and easy. In any case, I guess I'll not choose & buy anything for them again le.

On a brighter note,I'm now waiting for Chaa to pick me up and bring me out for a date=)

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
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