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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dunno y I have so many group assignments with xiao hei, I really don't like working with them especially for this particular stats class. This lazy bum always expect the group to teach him everything, even though the lecturer went through very comprehensively through a few examples. It's obvious he never pay attention in class lar! Like to dream so much come to class for wat? Then expect the rest of us go thru step by step again with you meh, now exams coming, papers due, really not much time to entertain you lor, I already sent my working file over, he still got the cheek to say no one has ever given him help on this homework... even all the stuff can be found in the course materials. Damn lazy bug. I'm beginning to understand the basis for discrimination... Typical prototype of social loafer. oh yah..and a brilliant excuse king for not doing their parts. The best part is when one said his friend got murdered and had to be excused for that week's group assignment. But subsequently, for next 12 weeks, he only submitted his homework in one of the week, so..can't be bothered to hear his excuses anymore.

But one good news is..my parents are coming to visit me...hehe..now compiling a list of stuff for them to bring over..They joining a tour grp to sightsee San Fran, LA, Las Vegas that region for 11 days before flying over here to stay with us for another 2 weeks... Yaay...but my place here is damn boring, must think of many activities for them, esp my mum don't understand english tv shows...

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