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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Some might already have known, I'm getting married soon!! Actually is ROM first la, the customary wedding might have to wait a while. Cha and I have decided that ROM can be in late Feb before the Qing Ming Month comes in. Prob the solemnization ceremony will take place in a country club, venue to be confirmed.

Chaaa proposed on New Year Day. We stayed in Merchant Court Exceutive Club for the countdown. That day, Chaaa fetched me from work and we went to Vivo for lunch. After that we slowly made our way to Merchant Court and got a really sweet surprise when I entered the room. Chaa had came in earlier to decorate the room with a romantic feel. He spreaded pink rose petals on the bed and made out a red heart with red petals on the middle of the bed. Not only that, there were many balloons, some tied to the table lamps, some to the study table and the rest were left floating freely around. Some balloons were pink, white and red; some printed with "I Love You" while others have little heart prints. There was also a bouquet of 24 pink roses lying on the side-table. The decoration was really romantic, and it was really sweet that Chaaa did these all by himself. But I think Chaa was quite sad when I told him the balloons looked like National Day balloons lar..hee..;P

So as usual, we did not waste any time in taking lots of pictures in the room, and in a very short time, we took a total of 140+ photos just in that room alone lor! Finally, Chaa gave me the belated Xmas gift, an embroidered Precious Moments piece of fabric. Even though I was wondering what to do with that piece of cloth, I was quite moved by this gift as I cannot imagine his clumsy fingers embroidering Precious Moment for me. And I was also quite surprised that this gift was very similar to my second anniversary gift to him and he bought the embroidery set even before I gave it to him. Wahhh..got mo(4) qi(4) leh!

After that, we had dinner at an Italian restaurant, Zambuca at Pan Pacific Hotel. The seafood pasta I ordered was nice but as I was too full from the cocktail buffet we had earlier on, I couldn't finish it. The place was really dark and quiet and we could only manage a few shots.

As we returned to hotel quite early, we played poker cards and watched countdown on tv. But I was too tired liao la, I dozed off after a while le and Chaa had to keep waking me up. Haha..yuan lai he wanted to propose to me after it strikes midnite. I knew Chaa will propose that day so I kept trying to search for the ring the whole day, but just couldn't find it. It din occur to me that he kept it in the safe lor..aiyoh... He took out many boxes from the safe, got one jewellery box, one Soo Kee box and one Brilliant Rose box. Very mean, he opened all the empty boxes first to make fun of me. Finally there was this one last box where the ring was kept. The moment came when he asked me to marry him...=)

The ring is beautiful. It was exactly what I had always wanted. It's a Brilliant Rose diamond. Really touched that Chaa really tries his best to give me the best. I know that we will be eating grass for the next few months, but I think it's worth it =)

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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