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Thursday, January 24, 2008

My ROM date is confirmed! It's 27 FEB 2008!! My ROM will be a small reception, only immediate relatives (those living in S'pore and Johor), dear Pinkies and Chiew Ting are invited. As it's a weekday, not all will be able to make it. So we are expecting around 30 (or even less?) to attend my solemnisation. Although it's a mini event, but it involves so much work lor, my goodness! Can't believe how busy we're going to get for the customary one. Venue is one prob. Till now we still have not confirmed a venue. I want an alfresco style with garden poolside ceremony. Reason being the traditional wedding dinner is already very "chinese" style, so my ROM should have a more western feel. Not that we cannot find nice venues lar, but they are very costly and burst our budget of $1500 liao. Many hotel packages charge around 70+++ per pax then plus decor it can easily reach 2K triple plus! Siao...

Have been looking thru quite a number of hotels, now KIVing Marina Mandarin Hotel because it offers one of the lowest rate and has one of the best food. The ambience is only so-so; we'll be having the meals facing the fountain. One drawback is that it is also a non-smoking area for the cafe so dunno if there will be any smokers "disturbing" us during the ceremony. Another thing is that the guests will have to walk through the cafe to get to the solemnization area. Wierd lor.. Many people will be staring at us one... But they promised to set-up nicely for us la... Actually we wanted to get Merchant Court, because solemnisation will be at a pavilion overlooking the pool and offers an even cheaper package, but they are too rigid liao, not willing to extend the lunch hr for us and the wedding co-ordinator is not very enthu lidat, makes us sianzz..

We still need to consider my ROM dress, make-up, hairstyling and photographer/ videographer lor.. The total cost really sky high, cannot imagine have to spend so much for a simple ROM. But have settled my dress liao... It's a custom-made knee length dress. I requested it to be pink, with white sash ribbon, dunno if it will turn out nice as there was no pink sample of that piece. But then the pink dress is to match Chaa's pink shirt also ma, we want to be a "PINK" couple:p Now quite apprehensive that the pink dress will turn out to be bimbo rather than sweet..

Now the photographers. Wah.. They are very expensive lor! The good ones charge 200 per hr. Chaa and I were thinking that we may need 4 hrs to include outdoor shoots. 4x200= 800 bucks for a ROM photographer! No joke. But those gd ones take really nice pics, except pricing too steep. So we may have to settle for the next cheaper one la... Actual wedding then use gd ones..

Wah..really quite a lot of things to do, lucky got Cha to handle most of them..hee hee..

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