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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Today is our 28th Month Anniverary, 28 months together before Chaa and myself will tie the knot and commit ourselves to a lifetime marriage on the 27th this coming month. I'm very excited. This is the month where we will promise each other love, care and committment for the rest of our lives. Yesterday Pinkies were reminiscing the times when I had first met Chaaa. I still remember Moreen & a few others asked me at that time,"Do you see yourself marrying Danny in the future?" My answer was a straightforward, definite "No". I was pretty sure at that time that this relationship might not work out and was prepared to end it when the appropriate time comes. Then people started to ask," Then why do you get together in the first place?". Actually I'm not too sure myself. I think it's the sense of security he gave me, he seems like a very nice guy who can take really good care for me. And I do have mutual liking for him as a friend. I was really sick of being so independent esp when at that time, there was no one else who can give me as much care as Chaa did. Even my family can't be always there for me when I needed it. I guess it was this yearning for a dependable companion that made me want to give a try with Chaaa.

It wasn't easy to adapt to this relationship at first. I had been repeatedly asking myself: Did I made a right choice? Was he the right one, I don't want to regret if he's not... I even restricted him to meet up only once a week, (which was on every Sat), and complained that he was very mushy and made my hair stand when he said sweet things to me. Truth be told, I don't really care much for him at that time. But as we spend more time together, I gradually learned that he really do love me and care for me a lot. Most importantly, I know that he places great importance on me. I was really touched when he made handicrafts for me, 512 straw hearts, 1000 paper cranes, hologram and Precious Moments embroidery. He buys me flowers at every occasion possible and brings me to the best eating places on special occasions. These are things that I had always hoped that my future boyfriend will do for me, but yet in reality I know it's almost impossible to find someone lidat. To my amazement, Chaaa really did all these for me just to make me happy.

Chaa has always been there for me, whenever I need it. Everytime when I am unhappy or feel upset, he will practically shove everything aside just to accompany me or to talk to me. This made me more and more dependent on him and it really assures me that even if there is no one else who don't care for me, he will always be there at my side. He tries his every means and ability to fulfill any dream or regret I have. When I voiced out my regrets that I couldn't go overseas to study, he works hard to vie for the scholarship so that he can bring me along to US to study together. He knows the possible repercussions on his career if he didn't get it. And he really got it, despite the tremendous pressure during the process. Whether the uni admits him or not, I am already very happy that he had tried it for me. When I told him my dreams of travelling to Europe, he said we will give it a try this coming May, despite his depleting savings. When I said I want a unforgettable proposal, he did it for me. He had put in a lot of effort to make the proposal a memorable and unforgettable one. In fact it was one of the happiest night in my life. It is amazing how our relationship has evolved. Till now, he still loves and dotes on me a lot. It gives me a warm feeling whenever he says that he has spoiled me. Nothing has changed at all. From the first day we met, Cha has kept all his promises to me, and I really appreciate it.

Like any other relationship, nothing is perfect, we have our fair share of ups and downs. But our strong bonding overrides any unhappiness and our arguments became insignificant when I know that ultimately he still cares for me a lot. Through these 2 and a half years of relationship, as we understand each other more, I can safely say that I don't regret anything with Cha at all, from the day we were together to accepting his proposal. I am grateful to Jun for bringing my husband into my life, for letting me believe in love and becoming one of the happiest gal in the world.

Chaaa, I love you a lot a lot =)

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