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Monday, March 10, 2008

I had a great couple spa on Sat. Suddenly had this idea because Cha kept complaining that he was experiencing a lot of stress and even had stress-induced chest pains for the past few days. Decided to give him a spa treat to relieve his mounting stress and tense muscles. So I went to look for spa promotions on the website and came across this spa lounge at Holland Village. It seems like a good deal. For 2-to-go, it costs $268 for a mineral salt bath, cocoa nut scrub and choco body wrap. The whole spa regime ended with a full body massage. It was really nice and relaxing. Had never experienced such indulgence during the weekend before lor. And of cuz, Chaaa loved it a lot! Can tell it from his eyes rolling upwards, haha:P The best part is that they gave us a couple room with a jaccuzi and we could enjoy massage alongside each other:) Chaa said that we could go back there again before our actual day wedding for a red wine bath, wah...shiok de lor!

However things take a twisted turn on Sunday when I knew what happened to my dear frens. They have been let down by guys whom they have trusted and loved a lot. Even a long period of committed and close relationship couldn't prevent a change of heart for the guy. Even when everyone thought that they are having a stable relationship and will get married eventually, the guy could be so ruthess to hurt the girl he had once loved so much. I think they deserve much better guys. They shouldn't be humiliated in any way because of some stupid foolish bas***ds. Sometimes I can't help but wonder, will the same thing ever happen to me? It seems to me that a lot of relationships can start off very loving and sweet, but things do change as people move on to different stages of life and encounter different temptations. And ultimately, when that happens to a man, it's difficult to discern truths and lies, and all promises made previously could well be a pack of lies...

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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Pics of My Hen Night & Mao's Bday (23 Feb 08)
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28th Month Anniversary - A Dedication to Chaaa
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Last Day of 2007
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