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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finally this day is arriving. Tomorrow will be the day I'll ROM and legally bounded by marriage. So much mixed feelings and questions running thru my head. What should I call Cha's parents? Dad, Mum? Papa, Mama? Father, Mother? So embarassing, how am I going to call them my parents for the first time?? I hardly even call my parents back at home. HOWWWWW??? Then hor, I kept thinking, will I be subject to the same strictness from Cha's dad? His dad is so much stricter than mine, will I be used to it? Then I dunno if I can be a good wife or not, it sounds so remote to me just a few years ago. Till now I have none of the attributes of a good wife..ha ha.. Chaa's going to be in for a hard time lor...And my surname!! Is it going to change to Mrs Cheng? So wierd! But then I don't like people calling me Mdm Wong leh, sounds like the pub which has closed down... And then the anxiety of tomolo's event. So afraid that it will rain, cuz it will really ruin my day. Then also scared that the hotel staff dunno how to handle wet weather arrangements, becuz I understand that the restaurant has not hosted many ROM functions before. So much uncertainty and expectations. And finally my make-up and hairdo. What if it was messed up? I will cry one lor... But maybe I worry too much la, everything should turn out fine tomorrow...

Now a special tribute to Pinkies. They had really put in a lot of effort and money for the surprise Hen Party for me on last Sat. To me, it was a really glam way to end off my singlehood. Chaa was damn envious of me lo becuz no one organised a stag party for him..heehee..So proud to tell the rest that I had a happening Hen night, although I was not dead drunk as intended lar:P Why I said Pinkies had made special effort for this night. Becuz from past experiences, I know that it was not easy to get everyone together to organise such an effort-intensive event. I think it was the first time I've seen them so united together:) And they had done it really well. I was totally kept in the dark until I reached the hotel. When I saw what was inside the room, I was totally stunned. They had done up the place so prettily! I love the lingerie, flowers, decor and the certificate they gave me. Especially the cert, it 's my fav gift. Too bad my face is not inside there and it's the first time all pinkies used the same pen to sign off a card!! Really really happy for the effort they took. A bit apologetic that Mao had to use her birthday as a decoy. It was intended for her to celebrate her quarter of her century bday=P But it was indeed an unforgettable Pink Army event together. It had been ages since the full strength turned up!

Although a bit nervous abt tomolo's event, but with Chaa and so many good frens ard, I guess my ROM will be another memorable milestone of my life =D

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
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