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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Had spent the Good Friday weekend in a very relaxed way. Cha had booked the Siloso Beach Resort for two nights. Although I had intended to spend the weekend out of country, but as it was too last-minute, we din manage to get tix for anywhere else. But anyway, it was a comfortable stay with a fabulous beach view. The breakfast was also good, really missed the croissant, it was super nice as their croissants were freshly baked! Did nothing much actually...nuar a lot and slept a lot, a sun tanning session at the beach in bikini and walked around in Sentosa during the nites. The weekend really flies, it was over when I was just starting to enjoy myself. Hope we can have a chance to stay like this again, it was a great way to relieve work stress. And it's considered my very first honeymoon outing after my marriage! Chaaa... I want it again for the next long weekend wor! =P

Work is damn boring and sian. Really sick and tired of my current job, but have to wait for that stupid uni's reply before I can make any decision. Have been pondering what I shd do next. My current job is comfortable enough; pay is ok, bonus is ok considering I get to knock off on time everyday, but I simply hate the work I'm doing. No meaning at all. Haiz, in a dilemma now. I need a new life! I hope that my next job will be much more fulfilling, even though I dunno when will that be...

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9:47 AM



O Come O Come Emmanuel 差一刹的地老天荒 新不了情 背叛

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


A Weekend of Ups & Downs
Pics of My ROM (27 Feb 08)
Pics of My Hen Night & Mao's Bday (23 Feb 08)
Eve of my ROM
Vday Surprise
28th Month Anniversary - A Dedication to Chaaa
ROM Preparations
New Year Day - A New Beginning
Last Day of 2007
Xmas Celebration 2007


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